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Logo Design Concept

The World Taijiquan Championships 2024 logo was designed in Singapore.


It highlights Taijiquan as an iconic and evolving sport with growing popularity through the well known ‘Slanted Flying’ stance, often used in taijiquan routine.


The striking gold represents the collective aspiration towards sporting excellence, while its red boldly reflects the Singapore values of inclusivity, respect, and harmony. Together, the logo’s elements seek to depict the competition’s mission to achieve its highest level of excellence & global friendship!

4WTC logo_edited.png

Mascot Design Concept

Introducing the Lion Warriors, mascots of the 4th World Taijiquan Championships 2024 in Singapore: Xin Xin and Wang Wang.


Lions, symbols of courage and strength, resonate deeply with Singapore's heritage as the "Lion City." Their selection as mascots honours this heritage and embodies Taiji's powerful qualities.


Xin Xin demonstrates Taijijian (Sword), while Wang Wang showcases Taijiquan (Fist). These disciplines symbolise Taiji's grace and precision.


Xin Xin wears red and white, Singapore's flag colors, and Wang Wang wears blue and white, representing IWUF. Together, they embody the partnership between IWUF and Singapore.


The Lion Warriors symbolize Taiji's universal appeal, transcending age and background, inviting all to practice this ancient art form.

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